
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras are divided into 4 books. The first book is labeled Samadhi Pada - This is the book for the advanced student, one with strong concentration and clear seeing. The Samadhi Pada begins with the definition of yoga: “yogas chitta vrtti nirodaha”. Yoga is a state where the mind is completely still.

The second book is labeled Sadhana Pada- This book is designed for the student who has a more active mind. It lays out the practices and philosophies necessary to rewire our perspective and quiet the mind. This is a great place to enter your study of the yoga sutra!

Chapter 2: Sadhana Pada (On practice)

Sadhan means “to go directly to the goal” and na references “the eternal cosmic vibration within”. This is the chapter to study when you are ready to go directly to your spiritual goal and delight in your spirit within!

Sutra 2.1: tapah svadhyayesvara pranidhanani kriya yogah

Kirya yogah is the yoga of action. It comes from the root word kri which means “to do”. A kriya also references a purification practice.

Tapas comes from the root word ‘tap’ which means to heat or to burn and is inferring the fires of purification. Tapas is disciplined energy, consciously choosing to change your habits, your conditioned patterns. Tapas is the action of developing positive habits from a commitment to be your best self! Tapas is pushing off the covers, rolling out the mat, and embracing a pose for an extra breath than the mind desires.

Tapas is the action of doing something hard for the long term health benefits.

Physical tapas, is when we heat the tissues of our bodies through asana, kriyas, and pranayama practices and this heat purifies our body and brings clarity to the body and mind. Mental and verbal tapas is an elevated practice. With the light of awareness provided by the flames of tapas, we begin to see thoughts as they arise in our minds and we can scorch old, un-serving conditioned thoughts in it flames!

Tapas is REQUIRED for spiritual development! Patanjali teaches us that every moment is an opportunity for tapas- atha yoga anusasanum!

Fire it up, you got this year! xo